What are you looking forward to? →[More:]I really like having things to look forward to. Particularly this time of year- late January/early February I get downright stir-crazy because it's so cold and gray and I feel so cooped up. Thank goodness I have stuff for the rest of the year to look forward to:
*ASAP - visiting my Aunt & Uncle who just moved to Philly. So nice to have some of my family a quick ride away.
*First two weekends in February- Trips to FL! First weekend in Tampa with family, second weekend in Boca for the Walk for Life & meeting my bone marrow recipient
*April- Possible trip to El Paso, TX to visit friend stationed down there
*Memorial Day weekend- Introducing my son to Ocean City, NJ!
*Early July- Brooklyn Bridge swim!
*Late July- Friend's wedding + tentative Marc family vacation
*August- Trip to the beach with my family, perhaps?
*Late December- Sister & BIL visit the US from China. I haven't seen them since...I'm not even sure. Not since before I got pregnant. It'll be nice for the whole family to be together around the holidays; hoping we can do some family pictures.