How to handle asshole drivers, as a cyclist - a tutorial by coach Dirk Friel →[More:]This guy happens to be a local pro racer and general all-around very nice dude. He was a pro in Europe for 9 or 10 years as well. Here he shows exactly how you should handle some ignorant douchehole driver intent on hassling you.
oh and before you get all "I'd have beaten his ass" or somesuch, keep in mind that Colorado is a concealed carry state plus it's deer season. Many of these older rural dudes have guns in their vehicles and would not hesitate to use them.
this vid was shot in one of places in very rural, very conservative Boulder County where I refuse to ride my roadbike anymore since the local media have whipped up all sorts of fauxtroversy about us-vs-them with the bikes vs. drivers deal of late, especially by carefully framing it with dogwhistle type language as a "Boulder liberals vs. Weld County conservatives" and OMG YOUR TAX MONEYS ARE BEING WASTED ON THESE YUPPIE ELITE JERKS AND THEIR EXPENSIVE TOYS. God I hate election years for exactly this type of thing.
this link has been posted all over facebook, twitter, reddit, now CNN.
don't get mad, get even. Colorado State Police have issued multiple citations to the driver. And the driver's identity and residential address are now ALL OVER the intertubes via the various articles.
welcome to the Internet Rage Machine, sir. Karma's a bitch.