"How's your weekend going?" Multi-point update →[More:]
1. Out with friends on Friday night, it's been a while since I saw some of them. It was lovely to catch up and I always say I won't leave it so long next time but I probably will.
2. The switchover to my new broadband and phone company went smoothly. I now have - OMG! - unlimited bandwidth. This means I can watch online the shows we no longer get in the UK. I've had a bit of a Project Runway marathon and am up to Episode 5 of Season 10 (it's not been shown here for years so I have lots more old seasons to watch but I wanted to be up to date on the current season). Oh, the drama!
3. Yesterday at Westfield
I met an Aussie hero paralympian. I was having coffee at Westfield and he and his wife were at the next table and we struck up a conversation. Although I haven't lived in Australia since I was very young, it's still the land of my birth and I can't root for any other country when it comes to the Olympics, cricket, rugby, etc.
4. The Westfield trip was very successful. I bought some Lancome skincare and got a great goodie bag with full-sized pots of various other skincare and makeup items. I got 4 new bras in Marks & Spencer, which together cost £65. Usually I spent £65 on a single bra, and my Prima Donna bras are well worth it - they're of a quality way above the M&S bras. But I needed some other day-to-day bras and M&S is the best on the high street. But it's hard to get bras that are pretty and sexy when big boobs mean that I also need industrial-strength underpinning to keep them in place.
5. Today I'm going for a run in a little while (even though it's drizzling) and then for coffee. After that I'm meeting some friends for lunch and then we're going to some viewings on the
E17 Art Trail. Then home in time to watch the football and this evening I'm going to a farewell party for some neighbours who are moving away, two lovely people. (Sadly, Shitbag Neighbour upstairs remains.)
6. I haven't seen the new man this weekend - we've both had busy schedules and lots to do this weekend. But we're going out tomorrow evening instead.