Home espresso machine conundrum →[More:]So, my otherwise faithful
Mr.Coffee pump espresso maker died this morning after several years of yeoman service.
I'd really like to replace it this weekend, so that means I'm limited to what I can find in my local stores. Interestingly, the stores around here no longer carry this model. In fact, the only Mr.Coffee pump espresso maker I can find locally is
this mysterious model at my local Target. (My local Meijer has a DeLonghi 15-bar model, but it's quite a bit more expensive.)
Does anyone recognize this particular model? It's not listed on the Mr.Coffee website, or at any other store. Target doesn't give a manufacturer's model number. The price is roughly the same as my former machine. It certainly looks like an older design, when compared to my dead machine, but it doesn't match the design of any of the previous Mr.Coffee pump models that I can find reference to. My gut says this is either a spanking brand new model exclusive to Target, or a "clearing out a warehouse full of ancient crap that never sold" model.