Speaking of cleaning... what's the deal with contoured toilet rugs? (Mild but embarrassing TMI)
→[More:] As mentioned in a lower thread, I am a terrible housekeeper. I have to admit that I am unfamiliar with the proper use of those contour rugs that go around toilets.
Let me just say right now that I apologize for asking this question, but I just don't know where to turn.
And please don't think poorly about my dear, beloved partner/fiance; we have just developed a decent sense of denial w/r/t males and bathrooms. You know how it goes -- you never notice something in your own home until it's too late. I am so embarrassed.
I had always thought that rugs were gross, because they got stinky from being... you know, sprinkled by a guy. One could wash them, of course, but how often? And how often would they just give up the ghost and be icky? (It doesn't help that the only ones I've seen have been grody thick-shag ones.)
But now I am wondering if perhaps they are meant to, erm, ABSORB a little of that. Because our bathroom has no fan, and it seems a little more stale, and of course we need to clean more often but always forget. So... ew.
What is the best way of dealing with a bathroom like this? Rug/no rug? Swipe it with a bleachy thing -- how often? Something else?
I am so glad that I live inside the protective box of the Internet.