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The footage of the climb came from a friend of mine that does this type of work, I have know him for several years and he has helped me many times in the past. Recently he gave me this video he shot on one of his jobs. I showed him the edited video and he approved it, but not the audio as it was added later, and I put it up on TheOnLineEngineer.Org and You Tube over the weekend. On Monday he was getting calls from colleagues telling him that they were concerned about what the video showed. His world is a very small one, and you don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you! Some facility owners are concerned about liability and such and may second thoughts about him if they think he does not take safety seriously.
So he asked me to take it down, and I did...
Once again I am sorry about pulling the video, I know that every time I looked at it my legs got weak, there’s no way I could do that type of work. AND THATS MY POINT – I need this guy who made the video, we plan to do more of them, but it won’t happen if he can’t get work because he’s been black listed by the industry.