Share your blahs, I've got a few . →[More:]
1. I am the only person in this section of the office right now - about 35 cubes. There have been layoffs and departures not replaced, it's lunch time, people are on vacation, and it's Friday afternoon for which there is a summer hours option, which I forgot it was my week to work, so I didn't. So I'm here.
2. I am also here because I can't leave the desk phone due to possibly manufactured dog drama that I suspect is masking marriage drama.
3. I'm beyond rut and into downward spiral looks/age wise. Weight creep despite good diet and exercise. Bad skin despite three months and lots of dollars at the dermatologist. Not loving the expensive haircut that I never got until a few months ago. I have no clothes. They fit, they are just old. Six work shirts in rotation, not to mention work out or fun clothes.
4. No weekend plans.
Other things are going well - home improvements, de-cluttering, work. I'm just in a blah puddle at the moment. It will pass. In the mean time, anybody want to splash around?