Saw "Kids are Alright" . . . .Spoilers A hightly anticipated movie in our household. . .
→[More:]I was left sort of bleh about it, after seeing it. What sticks with me today is the PRODUCT PLACEMENT that must have really helped the bottom line of the production. I mean:
Bell Helmets
Home Depot
Firesteed Winery and other wines.
It was a bit over the top.
Annette Bening and Julianne Moore were really good. The actors who played the kids were really good, as was Mark Ruffalo.
But the sum of the parts was off, somehow. My wife was upset that the Moore character was partaking in, as Dan Savage would put it, a little dick on the side. The circumstances in the movie (the Bening character's behavior) created the emotional conditions that would have made such a move more likely.
She (my wife) took it as a Statement about lesbian ltr's. I just saw it as one story, and heaven knows I have known several women over the years who identify as lesbian and have also done that other thing on the side now and then. We have also known 3 female couples in which each partner got pregnant and had a kid, in turn.
I did like the fact that the end was very untidy. You were maybe rooting for the couple to make it, although it is hard to see the Moore character happy, in the long term, with this.
Anyway, I am not being very coherent. What did you think if it, if you saw it?