slugs are gross →[More:]
...and yet strangely fascinating. I've been fighting a pitched battle against the slimy little bastards in our garden this spring, and
reading up on them for part of the morning.
ewwwww!!! slugs!!
Wow! Slugs!
I did not know that about slugs...
and last but not least:
Turns out the slugs eating my lettuces are likely an introduced European species,
Deroceras reticulatum. Boring little creatures for the most part; they apparently thrive out here in various cool, moist microclimates. Like in our yard, which happens to be moist, fertile floodplain soil at the very foot of the Flatirons. And apparently also in the many, many
cow pies splattered about on the local recreational open space trails :P
We're in for yet another 2-3 day stint of cool, rainy weather, after which I'm going to have to set out more
board and
beer traps.