I made my first real Mac app! This has been the most aggravating yet addicting side project I've undertaken in years, and it's taken up most of my non-working/sleeping thoughts for the past two weeks. What does it do? Hold on to your hats . . . it lists tables in an Oracle database that match a user-supplied keyword! Just wait until I make an iPhone version -- it will be an unstoppable viral hit!
→[More:]OMFG, this was so much steeper of a learning curve than I'd anticipated. I was just a teeny bit rusty on my c++, and thought Objective C would just be a slight step up (or to the side). Boy, was I wrong. And don't get me started on XCode, Interface Builder, the MVC design pattern, self-referential and example-sparse documentation, the fact that using the Oracle libraries require translating variables between c++ and Objective C and that the Oracle libraries also have obscure namespace conflicts with something in the Objective C world, and the fact that Apple keeps changing it's approach to key details so frequently that every online tutorial is out-of-date as soon as it's posted.