Tell me what else I need to survive a week of bed! →[More:] After surgery next Friday (a hysterectomy, for those of you who are keeping score; go ahead and take me off of your fantasy baseball roster right now), will require me to be off my feet for an entire week, arising merely to pee and brush my teeth. No pooping! No washing of the face! (I am kidding, but not really).
Anyhoots, I know the first few days I will be cross-eyed with pain and pain medication, but I suspect that within 72 hours I will start to get bored. In anticipation of my Big Week in Bed, I have started preparations by purchasing five new books (titles available upon request), two new super duper lofty comfy pillows, and that's about it. I would like to rent a television series that is super girlie and silly, any recommendations? I don't like video games, except for
Drench, for which I still thank and curse Miko. What should I eat to feel better? Tips and suggestions? Can I get y'all monkeys to dance for me?