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oh, my, an emial. well, first of all, it sure is raining here today! it's just coming out of the sky like a big ol fountain of water. did you know they have those in rome? all this water just spilling over and over from the mouths of like tigers and chimpanzees and roman conquerors and shells. there are also a lot of cats in rome. they sit on the ruins all day just watching you. and even more at night time, sitting there like they own these ruins from a million years ago, a whole huge army of cats with big green eyes and feral-looking matted fur. you couldn't take those ruins back if you wanted to, because the cat army is so big and strong. not even the cat massage lady would be able to calm them down; maybe instead of putting troops in afghanistan we should put them in rome, occupy the city and force those cats to all surrender. i mean, those monuments are monuments to mankind's awesome powers, not idols of the Cat King or the Pristess Fluffy. our marines are certainly well-trained enough to fight a good fight in these terrible times. and how terrible they are. corporations don't even have the decency to apologize anymore! and food is just so expensive: i can't even buy a grapefruit for a dime these days. and who even wants a grapefruit anyway? they're so bitter that even uncle rudy wouldn't eat them, and he ate just about everything in sight, which is probably why he died so young, god rest his soul. but i would eat them, especially when they were the red ones like on that commercial. ruby red, they call them, and they're real good with sugar, honey, and a little soy sauce (don't tell anyone about that, they'll all think i'm cracked!). anyway, i guess i should go put the kettle on, it's awful cold and rainy out and some nice tea would sure warm the old bones up real quick. maybe i'll have a green tea, or a black tea. white is pretty good, too, i guess. once i had this tea, it tasted just like a flower! i think it might have been at the mall on route 82. such a nice mall. well, have a nice day!
The review for "Shark Sandwich" was merely a two word review which simply read "Shit Sandwich".