So, I got some casual work. Nothing fancy, just processing photo's and data for schools. But today, it made my head explode.
So, I'm merrily sorting through kids portraits when I come across what I think is a duplicate. No problem - it sometimes happens. The first name is spelled slightly differently each time, so I assume it's a clerical error. Except that each one also has a different ID number. Major stuff up, but again - nothing unsual.
Until I get to the group photo and realise that I'm actually dealing with identical twins. One named Allan. The other named Allen.
Which begs the question: What kind of diabolical fruitloop gives nearly identical names to their identical twins???? I can't even begin to think of all the problems this is going to cause along the line. What were they thinking??
Or perhaps they're being really cunning and setting the kids up for a stellar career in crime. Alibi? DNA? Documents? What a confusion!!
Still, it's the perfect end to a week that found me checking photo's for an S. Wanka, B & J Crappe, and the delightfully named Rong Wang.