winter crazies? →[More:]
since it's been a bit since I posted anything of substance, here's a cute little
no-kill mousetrap idea from Lifehacker.
Dear Northern Hemisphere dwellers. Have the winter crazies gotten you yet? Symptoms can be anything, but tend to involve compulsively cleaning, starting large elaborate DIY projects (typically after watching too much HGTV), pining over stuff like cold frame designs and seed catalogs, and wondering how soon is "too soon" to try to till up a garden plot (hint: 6" of frozen slush still out there? maybe too soon...).
At Chez LFR, the mister just randomly up and decided this weekend that we really really should re-paint almost the entire house. With faux! And antiqued trim! Colour washes for all!!
now, granted, it could use it, since his ex roommates did a pretty crappy half-drunken effort involving very little trim work and forgetting to remove switchplates, etc...
but holy hell, faux? really? does he truly understand how long it takes to do even a small room (the bathroom is a good candidate, but still, yikes).
I made a deal with him. If he buys all the supplies, and helps with all the prepwork, then I will TEACH him how to faux finish, the correct way. No more halfassery with slapping cheap semigloss latex over dirty walls, plz.
P.S. hold me?