Post Your Woes Here I am having a woeful Xmas this year, how about you?
Not looking for whuffles (do whuffles have widges?), just needed to snarl a bit...
Totally broke, and no one in my family is even getting together this year. I am thinking popcorn, toast, and jelly beans for Xmas dinner?
Mom just got out of the hospital, had to have her stent replaced in her heart. She's ok, but it was scary. She came into the lab to visit me and out of the blue almost collapsed. Glad she was just a few yards from the ER when it happened, she was about to drive home in rush hour traffic.
My MS is messing with my optic nerve, now my eyes roll around in my head like I am going to faint when I get tired. Scares the hell out of people and makes me feel dizzy. Not to mention I have a perpetual headache.
I know a lot of you have mentioned having woe right now. Let's mope it out for a minute, shall we?
Or post something that is so "teh aw3s0mx0r" that it cheers everyone up. Like Bush getting a shoe chucked at him on a loop :D