Comment Feed:
If you see something weird or discomforting (or arguably illegal) going on at your polling place tomorrow, you've got two choices as to where to phone in your information, according to Daily Kos.
First off, there's Obama Voter Protection... call 1-877-US-4-OBAMA (1-877-874-6226) and let them know what problems you're seeing. If you can't get through, use this online form and/or call your local campaign HQ.
In addition, you should call Election Protection, a nonpartisan organization. For immediate assistance, call the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline; you can even contact their teams through Twitter.
You can also keep an eye on voting issues as they are reported at the OurVoteLive Blog, and follow breaking voting news and issues at the 866OurVote Twitter account.
I'm usually against voting just to 'send a message.' We only have one vote each, and I strongly feel it should be used to shore up one of the two choices who can actually win.
I'm going to make a plea for people not to vote third party if you care about the results.