this is a good-karma & whuffles thread →[More:]
first things first: *whuffles* to any and all who sincerely need or desire them. It's been a crazy week and we ain't even hit Hump Day yet.
second things: I also sincerely wish good job karma to all our bunny job-hunter brethren and sistren. I know about mudpuppie and Specklet, and I think essexjan and jason's_planet are also on the prowl for new wage-earning opps. Anyone else who's actively searching is included in this.
my sitch at BigPharmaCo continues on same as ever... going on 16 months at a "six-week temp job", actually. No end in sight, but no real offers on the table either. AwesomeBoss is still awesome, Annoying Chemist Guy is still annoying, and although no four year old ever daydreams about being a contracts jockey, it's also turned out to be surprisingly entertaining work, so there is that.
At some indeterminate point they will post the position I'm working in for reals, at which juncture I'll throw my hat in the ring and see if it floats or whatevs. Of course, they've also offered to shut me back into a conference room with ACG and his minions, doing quality audit stuff again. Which isn't as bad as it sounds, since ACG has his failings but he does tell good stories, and facilitating quality review is a good resume-stuffer for yrs trly.