Want to be Randy Cohen for the day? →[More:] Then solve a potential ethical dilemma for me.
I am currently on a panel that grants research funding. The recommendations from me and two other panelists will determine whether an applicant gets research money or not. Today I received the full packet of applications. One of them is from my office mate. I did not know she was applying and she doesn't know that I am on the panel. I, personally, have no issue with providing an objective review of her proposal because giving her a favorable/unfavorable review does not benefit/hurt me in any way (I have a very neutral relationship with her). Also, all reviews will be anonymous.
What should I do?
a) Submit a review but include a note of potential conflict of interest to the chair
b) Skip her application and tell the chair why.
c) Just treat her like any other applicant.
Yes I know I should just ask the chair but I am worried this is too bean platey