Fried squash blossoms (gluten-free!). I have wanted to make fried squash blossoms for years, but never had the courage -- I'm not a good fryer. I finally bit the bullet today, because the blossoms at the farmers' market were too pretty to resist, and this recipe turned out perfectly.
→[More:]The masa fried up really well, all crunchy and light, and managed to avoid the problems I tend to run into with flour batters, where they get all soggy and nasty.
Highly recommended! Less work than it appears!
We also had lovely steaks and sauteed radishes and greens (also from the farmers' market) and risotto with radicchio di treviso (also from the farmers' market). And a tomato and basil salad, from ikkyu's garden.
Now I am full, and tired. And I spent several hours cleaning the house today, and another couple hours doing food shopping for the week, so I have accumulated extra virtue points. Which I may trade in for another glass of merlot.