Office Supplies: are you a "contract" or "designer" user? →[More:]
Today we got the following email from HQ:
Dear [BigPharmaco] Staff:
Due to recent budgetary cutbacks, we ask that you show preference to standard contract items when ordering supplies from [OfficeSupplyco]. Please refrain from indulging in frivolous choices such as coloured Post-It notes and designer pens unless there is an urgent business justification.
Kind Regards,
[The CFO]
So okay, I have a pretty *shrug* attitude about this because as a career temp, I'm extremely accustomed to using plain yellow Highland sticky notes and Bic Stic pens, and could basically care less as long as it gets the job done.
However I don't really want to have to write the justification report for the $100/box green pressboard archival quality catalog files that the Legal Dept is required to use. I also know that a non-trivial population of my colleagues tend to index / paginate stuff using those "frivolous" fancy coloured post-its as references, or have an ergonomic need for better-than-stick pens, and shall be separated from them over their cold, dead bodies &etc.
Which type are you?