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24 June 2008

Weird And Scary New Book (Currently on NPR - Dianne Rheims Show).... [More:]Any of you heard of these folks before this?

I don't believe so, but that one's definitely made my "to-be-read-asap" list.
posted by Atom Eyes 24 June | 11:11
He wrote about them at length in... Harpers?

Yep, here it is.
posted by ibmcginty 24 June | 12:30
I love the Revealer blog (Sharlet also blogs here).
posted by box 24 June | 12:40
Yeah, I've read his articles on the subject, and the book's been on my Amazon wish list for a while now. Y'all know Hillary Clinton's a member, right?
posted by jtron 24 June | 13:04
Y'all know Hillary Clinton's a member, right?

Really? Or, are you kidding?

I heard part of this show this morning on the way home from the YMCA. I had no idea about "the family" I need to listen to the rest of this show tonight.

I also heard the tail-end of a Terry Gross (could have been a repeat) about the new Al Green album. It sounds great.
posted by LoriFLA 24 June | 16:51
Oh, yeah she is.

(And yeah, that album's pretty good.)
posted by box 24 June | 17:18
Wow! Thanks, box.
posted by LoriFLA 24 June | 20:04
Wait, I just watched a documentary about a cult called The Family (the brush with fame thing is that River Phoenix's family was in it). This must be different.
posted by Claudia_SF 25 June | 00:05
Hmm, I haven't read the book, just the Harper's article, and color me confused. It's a group of business men and religious leaders who ... ummm ... fund religious retreats and prayer breakfasts? I really don't see how they are "secretly influencing" powerful world leaders. They kept saying, "conservative Christian group", without much evidence of what I would call conservative ideals. In fact, most of the rhetoric in the Harper's article (except for the pro-fascism stuff) sounds like what I learned at my moderate Presbyterian youth group. They attract recruits by claiming elitism and a special knowledge of God's will, just like every other religious group in the US.

Look, I have a huge problem with the fact that religious ideals and morals infect what should be political decisions, but it's inevitable that in a country where, like, 90% of citizens self-identify as "religious", our national leaders would also be religious, and do religious things and hang out with other religious people.

I'm currently reading this Mother Jone's article about Hillary Clinton's faith, and it raises more questions that it answers. Doesn't anyone cite their sources any more? What does this even mean:
Under Jones' mentorship, Clinton learned about Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich—thinkers whom liberals consider their own, but whom young Hillary Rodham encountered as theological conservatives.
It goes on to make claims about her personal life that are frankly unsubstantiated. Half of the stuff quotes from The Fellowship archives reads like typical boasting, "ZOMG guys, we totes got the gov't to support fascist regimes!" without considering the fact that interests other than religious ones also supported those actions.

I'm sorry, I just don't see what I should be scared of, besides conservativism in general.

More quotes that piss me off:
along with Coe's assurances that she was right where God wanted her. (Clinton's sense of divine guidance has been noted by others...)
YES CHRISTIANS HAVE A SENSE OF DIVINE GUIDANCE! It's like, a total requirement of the faith. I can guaran-damn-tee that Sen. Obama feels and speaks to the same sense of divine purpose. IF YOU DON'T WANT DIVINE GUIDANCE, DON'T ELECT SOMEONE WHO IS RELIGIOUS!

Sorry, that got really long.
posted by muddgirl 25 June | 11:03
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