Dog folk, I really need your help! This is a cross post from askme, and I've never asked a question that has been more distressing for me. (Which is because I've been so lucky in so many things so far in my life, but please help me if you can!)
This is really bothering me... I'm not sleeping more than one or two hours at a time worrying about this. I'll tell you the story of why we can't say "no" here, in comments, in a bit. I'm too busy wringing my hands right now.
iko, eekacat, wolfdog, rou-xenophobe, biscotti (if you happen to lurk), rhapshodie, gomi - all you lovely bunny dog people
(honestly, sincerely sorry about who I haven't mentioned by name, but for real, I'm feeling a wee bit distraught from the awful heat and the not-sleeping and the post food-poisoning), if you do have any little bit of advice, I'm totally collecting that right now.