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17 June 2008

Barack Obama evacuating his bowels in St. Patrick’s Cathedral: You know how sometimes, when a joke website gets mentioned on a TV show (like The Daily Show), you run to your computer to see if it's a real site? Yeah. I Can’t Believe That I Barack Obama Have To Deal With This Shit. Dot com.
posted by taz 17 June | 07:55
I am clearly missing something.
posted by msali 17 June | 08:16
Last night, on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart was talking about all the lies and misinformation that Barack Obama is having to combat. The campaign actually started a website (whose name escapes me) to correct all the rumors. Stewart then said that the website the campaign originally wanted to use was ICan'tBelieveThatIBarackObamaHaveToDealWithThisShitDotCom, but unfortunately, that website "had already been purchased, and it only showed a photo of Obama taking a shit in St. Patrick's Cathedral.

I tivoed the show last night and watched it this morning. Sure enough, between last night and this morning, someone had registered the domain and had put up the picture of...well, you see.
posted by ColdChef 17 June | 08:25
Ah, there you go.
I remember being disappointed once that the creators of the West Wing didn't take advantage of a fictitious website used as part of a story line to buy the site themselves and set up some promotional tie-ins with the show. This fake website was mentioned a lot over the course of an entire show, and as soon as it was over, I typed in the name, certain that they would have purchased the domain and done something with it. It was a bummer that they hadn't.
posted by msali 17 June | 08:34, msali?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 17 June | 09:07
Yes TPS! That's it!
posted by msali 17 June | 09:32
Hah! I just typed in lemonlyman, and it takes you now to the Warner Brothers homepage.
posted by msali 17 June | 09:43
I believe there's a law or regulation that stipulates a network has to purchase a website if it mentions one that is not taken on the air. The idea being that someone can buy the site and put offensive material on it, and that people will then associate that with the network. For example - Conan's Not sure if that's the case with this, though.

Of course, I could be wrong that it's a law. It might just be the practice of NBC.
posted by Hellbient 17 June | 10:19
Obama's real site is Fight the Smears.
posted by Miko 17 June | 10:52
I could not refrain from Beavising up the site a little.
posted by cortex 17 June | 11:22 was my favorite, but it didn't seem to come up when I just tried it...
posted by ibmcginty 17 June | 13:29

(Besides the fact that I would never lead with a "taking a shit in St. Whoever's Cathedral" gag)

Reminds me of Craig Ferguson's gag two years ago. His production company did get the domain before the show aired and put up a photoshopped picture of a busty woman with Craig's head. Entertainingly disturbing. They've abandoned the domain since and nobody (not even me) has snatched it up. But if I ever wanted to do a Craig Ferguson fansite...
posted by wendell 17 June | 14:00
And I am (sooner or later) going to contact taz and shane and divabat and ethylene about (which I did renew but still intend to give away) and, but I haven't yet figured out NameCheap's "easy transfer" process...
posted by wendell 17 June | 14:08
Wii Fit women 'destroying their homes' || A funny review (full of spoilers)