Have you ever been incarcerated?. . . I was just listening to this interview,
→[More:] and although I knew that the US has far and away more prisoners, per capita, than any other country, it's still a source of amazement for me.
My own sordid history is as follows: Back in the 70's, I lived in a hippie household with 3 German Shepherds, among the cats and people (we had so many cats that we literally had to lock them in a bedroom in order to have meals because there were too many of them to order them off the counters and table).
It was at the beach, and one day, while having my dog at the beach, sans leash (which was the norm) I got a dog ticket. Came home, tacked it to a bulletin board, it got covered up by other stuff, and I forgot about it.
About 6 months later, in the middle of the night, a knock on the door. The ticket had gone to warrant, and the police were there to arrest me, which they did. Cuffed me, put me in the squad car, and took me to jail. I was there in this holding cell, until morning, with all the other criminals. The mother rapers, father rapers, and so on. They asked me what I was in for. "Dog tickets." They all laughed and I feared for my safety, but I survived the night.
Late that morning, I stood before a judge and got a tongue lashing about this. . .my roommates had scratched together the fine, and sprung me. The fact that the judge HAD been my mom's atty. did not seem to soften his wrath.
It's chalked up as a funny memory, although it was just strange and not funny at the time.
Any other hardened criminals here?