Love hurts... sometimes. →[More:]On the advice of a few mefites after I had posted a question on AskMe about whether people still believed in true love, and getting a good reality check on what and how it is that you find it--I decided I'd make the plunge into that gaping dark hole of relationships and find out what's out there for me. So, what'd I do--simple--I logged onto a couple of Matrimonial sites (two actually), created a profile describing myself as accurately as I could, and posting a picture of myself which I thought was reasonably attractive. And then--I waited... oh, boy did I wait. The first few hours were intense... who would contact me--what would they be expecting, and more importantly--what if I had no interest in them. How the hell do you break that to a person. Oh my god--what had I done!
Did I just end up creating the biggest blunder of my life. I knew this dating thing wasn't for me--too much Pressure. Is there a delete button somewhere that I can use to cancel my membership... argggggh! Too late--someone's already scoping out my info. Oh god--who is this person--okay--it looks like you can access their profiles as well and take a look at the person who is checking you out. Hm, here goes nothing--*fingers crossed*
Oh lord, what have I done!? No, no--please don't show any interest in me--you're really not my type--not even close, and if you send me a buzz or something I don't think I'll have the heart to decline your offer by pressing that little heart button with a crack on it signifying my decline. No--no--don't press it! Don't press it!! Oh, great--you pressed it. Wonderful--that's just marvelous. Now what am I supposed to do. Okay, maybe there's a very nice and easy and soothing way to do this so that nobody ends up getting hurt (why does this smack of every teenage movie I've seen where the girl or guy is going to get dumped and the dumper is afraid of hurting the dumpee's feelings). Man--I'm such an ass.
Hold on, what's this--okay--so it wasn't the girl who was buzzing me--but her guardian/parent. Alright--that's a bit of a relief, even though dealing with parents can be a bit tricky, but at least you don't have to approach the person in question and talk to them face-to-face. And besides--she wouldn't even know about it; I'm sure her parents wouldn't tell her about all the prospects she's missed out on (hopefully!).
And hey--there's something else that the person has left for me in his message--oh, how kind of them. Let's see... okay--alright--hmmmm... what!? "My parents made a mistake having me". What the??? Where the heck did that come from... am I reading this right...? Oh, okay--I see what the problem is--the guy obviously read the paragraph that I wrote about my relationship with my parents and assumed that the honesty with which I depicted it as being a little rough up until recently wasn't something that a "good" muslim son does. Well, whatever. (The nerve of this guy to first lecture me on how to post a profile, and then to actually try and show interest in me as a soon-to-be son-in-law... No thanks--Never-to-be Dad-in-law!)