My room-mate is going tip the scales and send us into the downward spiral of coal usage.
My firm encouraged us all to wear blue today in support of the "
vote no coal" movement.
Not only did I not wear blue, but I did not pull the extension cord out of the wall that was powering my room-mate's hair dryer this morning, and I should have.
When I got up, she was blow-drying her hair. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on face goop and perfume. Still blow-drying. I went upstairs and blew my own hair dry. Still blow-drying.
She finally stopped when I was pulling up my stockings.
I know what she was going to be doing next: hair straightening. I've witnessed parts of this process. It involves a myriad of bobby pins and tiny sections of hair that are then ironed into perfect straightness. This process takes about 45 minutes.
She has a chin-length bob of mildly wavy hair.