have saree, will marry - UPDATE! My friend with the sarees (mentioned
here and
here) and I had a miscommunication, and she visited last weekend.
→[More:]We had a fun trying-on time and several lessons in how to wear these lovely things.
I have two sarees here and they're both gorgeous. One is more sheer and sparkly than the other, and that's the one that got the most positive feedback at the "showing." I've got to do some situps or pilates or yoga or anything to get my belly flat enough for me to feel pretty and comfortable wearing it. The other is more opaque but doesn't drape as well and its colors aren't as cheerful.
Luckily, my friend is intending on being in town for the wedding and wrapping me up (and safety pinning all over the place, thank goodness) like a present. If I absolutely HAD to figure it out, I think I could, but her being here will make it take about 15 minutes, including pinning.
In other news, our invitations go out tomorrow. What, me nervous?