Props to the dead-tree newspaper. Recently, I started subscribing to my local daily...
→[More:]...and I love it. Despite the general consensus that newspapers are dinosaurs lumbering their way to the grave, I am finding that it adds a lot to my life and my day.
IT started because my town has a pretty ok newspaper that is well embedded in the city's life. It covers council news, proposed developments, changes in the downtown, nonprofit events, and all this other good local stuff. I got exasperated with people assuming I knew all about some proposal or why John Doe Historic House director got fired. Everyone would say "Didn't you see the paper today?" and I actually felt out of the loop and culturally illiterate because I didn't.
So I started subscribing. I usually don't have time to read it at breakfast, but I page through it at dinner. It's great. It's relaxing and very, very informative. There is a ton going on here that I didn't know about, and I thought I was pretty hooked in already. It's fun to read features about local artists and musicians and business owners and learn their life stories and what they're up to. The town council stories help me understand stuff like why they put in the craptastic electronic park'n'pay meters, and what a line of BS it is to say that people like them. I'm back up on happenings in
Doonesbury for the first time in ages. And the classified ads are much better than our local Craigslist, so I'm tracking apartment prices and job availabilities a lot better. And it's great having something that a lot of people read to talk over during the workday.
Just wanted to stand up for the poor Newspaper. Being a newspaper reader is a good thing.