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Comment Feed:


11 April 2008

omg kittehs My hubs INSISTS that his masterful photography of our new kittens merits a new post. Name suggestions solicited.[More:]

Does anybody know why Open Office PDFs a newsletter smoothly while Mac Word hacks off part of the top and bottom, claiming margins are outside the printable area? I don't want to print it, I want to email it!
And they shall be called...

Brutus and Portia!
Franny and Zooey!
Squeak and Bubbles!
Zim and Gir!
Frankie and Johnny!
Kit and Kaboodle!
posted by Specklet 11 April | 15:24
OMG kittehs is right!!! I am in LOVE!

I have no suggestions, but my neighbor (who, as a nurse, has a rather dark sense of humor I love) named hers "Schizo" and "Phrenic".
posted by lleachie 11 April | 15:28
They are very precious!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 11 April | 15:33
Take THAT! paper, indeed. Heh. So cute.
posted by gaspode 11 April | 15:35
My thoughts.

Kima and Bubbles
Arya and Gendry
Parsnip and Carrot
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 15:36
I like Parsnip & Carrot.
posted by crush-onastick 11 April | 15:40
crunchy and smoothy?
posted by MonkeyButter 11 April | 15:40
They've been dozing in their tartan cat carrier (with blankie and door open) for over an hour now. after pigging out like Winston and batting some paper. Hope that's normal.
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 15:43
My dog can doze for 6-8 hours without moving.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 11 April | 15:45
Parsnip and Carrot

Snip and Care for short! Adorabibble.
posted by Specklet 11 April | 15:47
My husband, who is herein characterising himself as 'boring and conservative', likes Agnes and Walter.
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 15:50

Agnes and Werther
Millicent and Bucksworth
Lorraine and Herbert
posted by ethylene 11 April | 16:02
Bertie and Jeeves (Bertie could be a girl..?)
posted by gaspode 11 April | 16:04
we need:

feather toy

still sleepingks! I think I will take 'em downstairs to the bedroom tonight so they can be nocturnal and troublesome in there.
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 16:04
also, I hope they poop and pee when they get up..
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 16:06
oooh, 'pode I LUUUUUURVE Bertie and Jeeves! (but then I'm a Wodehouse nut who also thinks Hugh Laurie is beyond divine).
posted by lonefrontranger 11 April | 16:06
Your husband was so totally right about the separate post. KITTENS!

They've been dozing in their tartan cat carrier (with blankie and door open) for over an hour now. after pigging out like Winston and batting some paper. Hope that's normal.

I was just reading an article about sleep. When they ran a test on sleep deprivation using cats, they kept the cats awake for six hours. Six hours of being awake is apparently major sleep deprivation for a cat.

I want to be a cat.
posted by occhiblu 11 April | 16:08
after pigging out like Winston and batting some paper

Could you just do this one thing for me? Could you go back and get one more, and name them "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"?

Yes? Okay?
posted by taz 11 April | 16:11
I like Bertie and Jeeves too. (I was just watching the show last night!)
posted by Specklet 11 April | 16:27
Ozzie and Harriet?
posted by Specklet 11 April | 16:33
Bert and Ernie
posted by jason's_planet 11 April | 16:42
Bert and Ernie and Bertie and Jeeves both won't do, I'm told, because one of the kittehs is a girl!
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 16:44
Parsley and Sage, or Basil and Rosemary
posted by occhiblu 11 April | 16:46
Bertie could SO be a girl's name. Like in the famous couple Frankie and Johnny, the girl was Frankie!
posted by Specklet 11 April | 16:48
Basil and Rosemary wins! We both agree on it.

It's Basil Parsnip and Rosemary Carrot, tho.
posted by By the Grace of God 11 April | 16:49
Ha! I win! WOO!

I love the middle name combos.
posted by occhiblu 11 April | 16:51
Oh, we approve!

B.P. & R.C.!
posted by Specklet 11 April | 16:59
EEEEEEE!!!! They're so little they still need to grow into their ears!
posted by essexjan 11 April | 17:45
I was just gonna say that - the ears! Like freakin' radar substations!
posted by casarkos 11 April | 19:31
Hooray on new kittehs!! Nice names, too. Enjoy.
posted by redvixen 11 April | 19:46
So I guess I'm too late to suggest Meowlin Q. Kitteh and Pip, huh?
posted by Doohickie 11 April | 22:23
The first picture is frickin' adorable!
posted by hadjiboy 11 April | 23:29
Basil and Rosemary! Excellent!
posted by taz 11 April | 23:40
I lurve the names (and the kitties)!

Note: kitties play at mach speed and then crash and burn sleep. What Basil and Rosemary are doing is normal. Just put them in the litter box when they wake up and look like they're looking for something.
posted by deborah 12 April | 12:32
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