AskMeCha: can someone like me get a job working with kids? One that pays enough to pay the billz?
→[More:] Love kids. Love 'em. You know those people who hate kids? I'm the opposite of them. And most of the kids I've interacted with seem to like me back. Yay.
I've always suspected that I'd find it really fulfilling to have a job working with children. But I'm not sure I'm eligible for that sort of position because:
1. I'm a guy. I've heard that guys receive extra scrutiny for these sorts of jobs. Hey, fair enough.
2. I have zero experience.
3. I have zero education in the field, and let me expound on that just a bit: dropping out of high school was one of the healthiest choices I ever made for myself. Please trust me on this. So I'm unlikely to be interested in taking on any sort of full-time educational commitment; the cost/benefit ratio isn't worth it.
That said, I don't think I'd mind taking some pertinent classes or something.
Please understand that if the answer to this question is, "Nope," or "Nope, not without getting a college degree," I'm not going to be crushed. I'll just keep goofing around with my friends' and family's kids whenever possible. Also, I don't think I'm interested in being really poor for the sake of this career. I think I'd be willing to be paid the equivalent of maybe $10/hr? Much less than that would make me sad.
Oh, and if anyone has any experience with or suggestions about volunteer work with kids, I'd be most interested to hear about that, too! The "find volunteer opportunities" website for my city isn't being very helpful.