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19 March 2008

This is an "Oww, my eye hurts" and an "I have increased my word power" thread. [More:]So, I managed to get my dermatologist appointment moved up a week and went in early this morning. I have gained two things from the experience, enhanced word power, and discomfort. The weird growth right by the corner of my eye turned out to be a benign tumor called a Hemangioma and it was removed this morning. The Hemangioma was fairly large, so now I have a big area that is nice and crispy from the cauterization which actually touches up against the edge of the caruncula lachrymalis which is much too close to the actual eye for comfort. Needless to say when someone is hacking at that area with a scalpel and cooking it well done to stop the bleeding, it's going to be uncomfortable when the general wears off and you start to feel it. It has, and I am. Ouch. Can I go home from work? Pretty please?
OUCH. You have my sympathies, and my relief that it was that fixable.
posted by lleachie 19 March | 10:36
King! So glad that you had your eye nuisance removed today. Although you are uncomfortable, you are richer in wisdom and vocabulary. Plus, today sucks, but tomorrow will suck a little less, and so on. Definitely go home from work. I give you My Permission.
posted by msali 19 March | 10:42
OW!! KofP if I were your boss, I'd gladly tell you to take the rest of the day off.

Anyway, how productive can you really be if you're that uncomfortable?

I'm lucky with the colleagues here; they are very sympathetic about work/life issues, but then, the company culture's pretty permissive about that.

I'm really glad to hear it was benign, btw.
posted by lonefrontranger 19 March | 10:44
Oh good. I'm glad it was benign. Now go home!
posted by gaspode 19 March | 10:48
My boss is in Florida, and I could have taken the day off if I wanted to, but there is stuff I had to get done. I will probably end up leaving a couple of hours early.

One error in my original post, it was a local, not a general. I wish it had been a general. It actually didn't hurt at all when they cut it off, what hurt was the cauterization.
posted by King of Prontopia 19 March | 10:49
Ouchie! But I'm glad it was benign! I bet you'll have a super-cool battle scar for awhile, so maybe concocting some story about how you had to defend some poor children from a ravaging grizzly bear, and in the process got a cigarette burn the the face (and that you're super lucky it wasn't any closer to your eye), will help alleviate the pain a bit :)

Now, the tricky part is explaining why the bear was carrying a lit cigarette...
posted by muddgirl 19 March | 11:06
OMG! I think I might have to go home after reading that. Oww!
posted by rhapsodie 19 March | 11:20
You better not still be at work, KoP.
posted by goo 19 March | 11:29
Sadly I am. My current plan is to escape at about 3 p.m.
posted by King of Prontopia 19 March | 11:39
Yeah, those smoking bears are the worst, especially if they haven't had their coffee yet. A narrow escape, brave King! Bravo!
posted by elizard 19 March | 11:42
He was a French bear, smoking like a chimney and gesticulating wildly while lecturing me about Jean-Paul Sarte. I thought his beret was a little affected though.
posted by King of Prontopia 19 March | 12:13
Oh I'm so glad it was benign! And go home as soon as you can and be gentle with yourself!
posted by Specklet 19 March | 12:22
Smokey bear is against smoking bears ...
posted by mightshould 19 March | 12:34
Gah, I've had an eyelash in my eye all morning and now after reading this it feels like a freaking bobby pin. No comparison, but still.

Glad it's okay, kop.
posted by mudpuppie 19 March | 12:55
Sorry you had to go through that but I'm so happy to hear it was benign. Hope you are at home by now.
posted by arse_hat 19 March | 15:41
Bunny! OMG! || How do you scratch Tubbs?