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The Good: It was because I didn't have any real estate background, the senior VP passed me along to someone else in the company, and now I'm interviewing for a research assistant position at the same company on Friday. So keep those potential interview questions coming!
The Huh?: What exactly does a real estate research assistant do?
G: I'm almost finished with the crazy project that's had me working such long hours for the last month and a half. (And, I took this coming Friday off. Yay!)
B: I think I just annoyed the people in our newly-formed neighborhood watch group, by speaking up (in an email discussion) to say I didn't like an idea that pretty much everyone else seems to like. Great.
H?: I've been sleeping great lately, so why am I SOOO sleepy today??
The Good: After being named "Most inspirational teacher" by Sigma Kappa sorority (and entertaining them and their parents with my "how I almost got into a fraternity" story), I find I just won a Tower Service Award for service to the University. An embarrassment of riches!
The Bad: I had weird aches last night that kept making the rounds between my lower back and thighs, and it kept me from sleeping well.
The HUH?: After three hours sleep last night, "Huh?" is my reaction to just about everything happening around me.
The bad: I'm exhausted. A combination of insomnia and active, upsetting dreams mean I rise each morning feeling as if I've barely slept. This has been going on for over a week, and I'm starting to fray.
The huh?: my partner has it in his head that I'm upset with him over some minor matter, but he doesn't know what. Since I'm not upset, I don't know what either, and he's being all "Well, whatever --- but I wish you'd tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong, you big goonybird" + *smooch* is not helping.
The bad: I didn't get the 'senior technical analyst' position I applied for in the IT dept. at work. Which is fine, as the requirements were far, far over my head.
The good: I was one of only 3 candidates they interviewed, and they gave that job to a guy who DOES have a tech. background, and additionally has 15+ years seniority at the company, and he's a cool dude. The good part deux: They just posted 2 'technical analyst' positions this week, and I have been actively encouraged to apply for both, and did. The IT manager hinted that they probably wouldn't even bother to re-interview me, they'd just hire.
The Huh?: WTF does an 'IT technical analyst' do? I mean yea, sure, I can plug boxes in and configure IP phones and shit, but I basically would have zero clue where to even start as a help desk monkey.
TrishaLynn, Jacqueline Carey is one of my favourite popcorn fantasy fiction authours!
Elsa: the correct response to gooneybird is THIS IS NOT A TEST! gah, I feel bad for those poor people who've been so conditioned to secondguess stuff by their crazy mindgaming exes. thank buddha the mister does not do this.
G: The Bees is getting pretty good on the leash, in time for warmer weather and her birthday... someone might have a special easter coming up...
b: New camera has new fangled options that go against my old, and non digital camera ways, plus elements keeps quitting, making me think actual photoshop would never work, and good god i need memory storage--
?: The bad's not so bad and the good's somewhat unremarkable because why scare people?
There's some new good things, some old bad things, and a constant stream of weird things.
Here's one: i have stumbled into the furniture configuration that makes more things fit into less space. i'm not sure how but if i can push open this dimensional door a little farther, stuff might actually get used up and thrown out. It's weird enough to work.
I think I just annoyed the people in our newly-formed neighborhood watch group, by speaking up (in an email discussion) to say I didn't like an idea that pretty much everyone else seems to like. Great.
G: My team is moving to a new floor next week and, apart from the two team managers, I am the only person in the team whose new desk is by a window. This means nobody can sneak up behind me, and my managers can't see my monitor because they're in the adjacent desks. And the noisiest, most annoying bloke in the team has got the worst desk, by the entrance to the floor, with lots of passing traffic and near the lifts and the loos.
B: Management introduced a new 'initiative' today - Sharpening the Focus. It's as wanky as it sounds.
?: After a third of the workforce was laid off last month (including five of my team-mates), we are told we have so much work in our team that they might have to recruit more staff. And our team has a new name : Waterloo. When we were told this at the meeting my big mouth immediately said "Couldn't escape if I wanted to ...".