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“Facts” are to a psychopath only what he feels is convenient for his current purposes or desires. Since there are no facts every discussion becomes a manipulative struggle.
my post was a bit off-topic. But still relevant? maybe?
“all those in the Axis II Cluster B group of destructive personality disorders (NPD, BPD, HPD and ASPD) are capable of many emotions. I call the emotions people in this group can feel, "the hyena emotions, emotions such as rage, seductiveness, pride, exhileration, predatorial interest, fear, bitterness, shame, disgust, anxiety, loss, triumph, gloating, envy, jealousy, lust, boredom, malice, sadism, hilarity, contempt, cunning...”
A core issue with the Axis II Cluster B group is that they are predatorial in their approach to relationships, because of their inability to connect with loving good will. I use the term "hyena emotions" to depict a primitive emotional state in them that is not benevolent, as a way of protecting oneself from the damage they are very capable of committing.
The intent of using such a term is not so much to denigrate the people with Cluster B PDs, it is to educate those who have had a run in with them, survived an enmeshment, been stalked, conned...or married to one and now in deep pain. It's a way for the survivors of enmeshments with Cluster B PDs, who may have been previously blinded by the superficial charisma of their spouse, to work on detaching, healing from the damage done and moving forward.