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27 February 2008

Wordy Wednesday: B.A.A. - Beloved Abbreviations and Acronyms [More:]

EEK: Estonian kroon.
NNT: Number Needed to Treat.
posted by arse_hat 27 February | 02:26
FLK: Funny Looking Kid
posted by jonathanstrange 27 February | 02:42
Among my favorites, as well as some original Wendell creations I'm trying to pimp...

UGOTO - Uncanny Grasp Of The Obvious

OB - Original Blogstah

HIMYM - "How I Met Your Mother" (one of my TV faves)

SLO - San Luis Obispo (so why don't we have a San Luis Obispo United Childrens Hospital (SLOUCH) or a San Luis Obispo Businessmen’s Society (SLOBS) or San Luis Obispo Tour Hosts (SLOTH) )

BDF... - Blatant Disregard For... (Safety, Authority, Law, Physics, etc)

BSF - But Seriously Folks

ASA - All Seriousness Aside

NINJA - No Income, No Job (or) Assets

ASBO - Anti Social Behavior Order (but why do the British ORDER people to behave anti-socially?)

TWIAV - That's Where I'm A Viking!

BIPOOT - ...But I Play One On TV (to be appended to IANAD or IANAL)

TKKTB - They Killed Kenny, The Bastards (to be appended to OMG)

AIWHGAWIIFNFYMKAYDD - And I Would Have Gotten Away With It If Not For You Meddling Kids And Your Dumb Dog

WWW - Wendell Wittler's Web (and you all are just visitors)
posted by wendell 27 February | 03:16
CTD - Circling the drain
posted by ninazer0 27 February | 04:36
BFD: big fucking deal
posted by sperose 27 February | 07:53
SWMBO, what I called the former Mrs. Pax. "She Who Must Be Obeyed."

POSSLQ, the US Bureau of the Census' onetime proposed acronym (dunno if they made it official) to describe one's live-in. "Person of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters."
posted by PaxDigita 27 February | 08:15
BFE: Bumfuck, Egypt

NFC: no fucking clue
posted by deborah 27 February | 08:22
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out
CRS - as in "I suffer from CRS" - Can't Remember Shit
posted by Miko 27 February | 11:40
PEBCAK - problem exists between chair and keyboard
LOL Wrestling - Land of Lincoln Wrestling, my notional sports entertainment company, featuring Zombie Lincoln
SOWPODS - not quite an acronym, it's rather an anagram of the acronyms for the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary and the Official Scrabble Words. Together they form the word list legal in most international Scrabble competition.

Also any recursive acronym, like GNU - Gnu's Not Unix
posted by jtron 27 February | 12:16
The one most often repeated in college was IOTTMCO:


We, in our witty ways, thought this was Way More Clever than "Duh!"

I use that occasionally, mostly because I don't feel like explaining it. Too damn long.

The more commmon ones I use:

"That's a TFB" (Too Fucking Bad) - can't cuss in the office y'know.

TBSS "Too Bad, So Sad"

We actually phased out the ones that are meant to describe 'customers' in unflattering ways, PICNIC, PEBCAK, etc, but my favorite was always I/O: Idiot Operator.

Yeah, I'm a meanie bitch.
posted by lysdexic 27 February | 14:49
BDG: big dumb grin, like the one you might get after someone you have a crush on talks to you
posted by youngergirl44 27 February | 16:50
PCC: post coital/class cigarette
posted by jtron 27 February | 18:04
posted by steef 27 February | 19:04
IHI - I'd hit it.

BUM - Business Unit Manager.
posted by rainbaby 27 February | 19:09
posted by jtron 27 February | 19:20
TLA - Three Letter Acronym
posted by Triode 27 February | 23:42
CBA - Crazy Backwards Alphabet (band that used to be on SST Records [?])
posted by jtron 28 February | 13:39
CBA - Crazy Backwards Alphabet (band that used to be on SST Records [?])

Whoa, I think I remember them... didn't Matt Groening do one of their album covers?
posted by BoringPostcards 28 February | 14:19
Crazy Backwards Alphabet
posted by bmarkey 28 February | 14:27
Idol, American || Hope of spring