I need to learn to suck it up and deal. I can't move out. I don't have enough money to move out. This is making me very, very cranky. (More whining inside.)
I have a job that I absolutely adore and has wonderfully awesome perks and what I thought was a half-decent salary. Until I started looking into moving the hell out of my parents' house. Unfortunately, if I use the '30% of income towards housing' ruler, that only gives me about $500/month.
I live halfway between Baltimore and DC. I have to have a car, because public transportation is absolute shit in this area. (Specifically, where my parents' house is and my workplace.)
The problem is that I don't want roommates. Or rather, I know they wouldn't want me. (I'm a terrible roommate, I know this.) I just want somewhere wee that's all my own, with internet access and a warm bed. That's it.
I'm just really feeling like ass because I want to be on my own and independent and not have to work a soul-sucking job or have massive amounts of debt* in order to do that! Gah!
* As it stands right now, the only debt I have is about $200-odd dollars on a credit card.
So bunnies, I would like some moral support. Anyone else out there completely stuck in their life? And pretty much powerless to change it?