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20 February 2008

Depressed I don't know what whuffles are, but I need 'em.[More:]

Marriage is hard, work is hard. Hubby and I are going through some strained times. The usual suspects are involved: money, time together, kids, etc.

Work has been going better for me lately, but I had to take a stick to a co-worker yesterday (figuratively). What I didn't expect was that his boss would use that opening to come down on him like a ton of bricks. In the end, my objective was reached, and prolly his boss', but damn I hate to watch people get beat up.
Whuffles as defined by our very own Specklet.
posted by TheDonF 20 February | 06:11
Whuffles coming your way, lysdexic.
posted by goo 20 February | 06:19
Awww, that tickles!


posted by lysdexic 20 February | 06:30
*fflwhues lysdexic* you see what I did there?

I'm sorry you're feeling so much pressure... and the coworker incident - I can definitely see how that could give you a sick kind of feeling. Do you think you and your husband might benefit a bit by having a night or afternoon out together, alone, without discussing money, etc.? It needn't be anything expensive, but just a few relaxed hours feeling good.

My husband and I went to a gourmet pizza place one afternoon recently, and it was one of the most pleasant things we could have done, and definitely did drain some tension. We walked there, doing a few errands along the way - and it was a few miles, so we definitely had an appetite and felt like sitting down by the time we got there. We had a bottle of wine, a beautiful salad, and a small pizza and lingered over the meal before taking a cab back home. It was probably less than we would have spent to make our own food that day, and just very, very relaxed and soothing. Sometimes a little break like that can carry you a fair far way when things seem to be crowding you in.

Just don't mention the war spend the time talking about problems; it's not a work date!
posted by taz 20 February | 06:39
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by essexjan 20 February | 06:40
I give you *6* whuffles.
Use 5, and grow the last.
When you have 7 whuffles,
Give six away.
posted by seanyboy 20 February | 06:48
posted by sperose 20 February | 08:03
*wuggles* (which are more like squeezy hugs)
posted by typewriter 20 February | 08:13
You have my whuffles...and yeah, marriage IS hard. But it's a "worth it" hard...
posted by lleachie 20 February | 09:10
Thanks guys. I think co-worker is better now, because big boss spent a chunk of time with him after the meeting, and big boss and I had a chat over it, and I see his reasoning. And as memory pointed out, none of the fire and brimstone was done on a personal level.

On the home front it's harder, because we've actually been separated a while, and we can't seem to get our moods in sync. I've tried to make spaces and times when we can just be together and "not talk about the war". Those are generally successful. We get along great as long as we don't try to be married. That's the hard part. :(
posted by lysdexic 20 February | 09:31
and dangit, taz, it took me three tries to see what you did there! :D
posted by lysdexic 20 February | 09:32

and *whuffles*

Sorry things are so hard, lysdexic.
posted by occhiblu 20 February | 10:01
Some whuffles have widges. Choice of definition is up to you but I like #3.
posted by Ardiril 20 February | 10:46
posted by viachicago 20 February | 11:54
posted by Specklet 20 February | 13:01
Being separated sucks. *whuffles*
posted by Joe Invisible 20 February | 13:54
whuffles and hugs to you!
posted by By the Grace of God 20 February | 14:21
*bunny whuffles*
posted by deborah 20 February | 14:34
Aw, many whuffles to you, lysdexic.
posted by gaspode 20 February | 14:40
*whuffles again*

Repeat as necessary.
posted by redvixen 20 February | 19:38
Widges! Thanks everyone. That helped me make it through yesterday. I'm doing much better today.


posted by lysdexic 21 February | 10:08
drool-alert level: High. || I'm not a fan of concrete poetry, but this