Sayings from school days I just now remembered that in 1st grade, if you were swinging in unison with someone else, one of the two would demand to the other "get out of my bathtub!" Does anyone else know this one? Share your own.
-We called cheap shoes "Bo Bos". I'm pretty sure that one went beyond my campus.
-For awhile in 7th grade, a lot of black kids would often sing "loveboat! loveboat!" while walking down the hall, but I never knew the song, or if one called that even existed. It was sung in kind of a Go-Go style. I've since chalked it down to a made up thing. On a side note, this was also when I learned how to make a hip hop beat by pounding your open fist on your chest for the kick and slapping your thigh for the snare. I still do this. Daily.