Wednesday 3-point status update →[More:]
1. My voice-activation software arrived yesterday (which is amazing, I only ordered it on Monday afternoon). I set it up last night, did the tutorial this morning and have today blitzed through the work I brought home with me. But it does not know what to type when a cat meows into the microphone. This means my cunning plan to get the cats to do my work for me must be put on hold for the time being.
2. The upstairs neighbour has an electrician in today installing more outside security lights. He's worried about people hiding near his shed waiting for him. As long as the lights don't shine in my bedroom, I don't mind. It's at his expense and on his electricity bill.
3. Slow-cooker dinner for tonight is on - pork, with tomatoes, courgettes, onions and peppers, which I'll serve with rice.