*whuffles* →[More:]
to everyone. and (((hugs))) also, for anyone in need.
I'll be lurky/offline here for an indeterminate length of time. our intertubes are still b0rked at the house, and neither of us have been able to commit to the unreliability of Comcast cable service d00ds, so we're not sure when they will return.
Also wanted to say thanks to occhi and eek for worrying about my trip home yesterday. I took mightshould's excellent advise and bailed early. Snow had just started and I was able to sneak home before it got too nasty.
eek's (sorta) right - winters here aren't too bad. The biggest challenge is the random fun-with-unexpected-black-ice follies. These tend to occur on the residential / shaded / north facing streets and in odd bits of the bikeway. It's almost always the first/last few hundred metres of my commute that suck the hardest.
and no, occhiblu, unfortunately there's no truly good bus option. Would that there were. Lightrail is the best alternative, but the nearest station's ~3 miles from chez lfr.