Comment Feed:
It doesn't even matter who you vote for, as long as you bother to do so.
Not voting as a form of protest or making a statement has always confused me
But even a vote for a rogue candidate that better suits your views could send a message and nudge the pendulum your way if there are at least a few of you out there.
Until FPTP voting is fixed, there's bugger all point voting in the US unless you want to vote for the War Party or the Other War Party.
Nixon's head is still not a candidate.
Do you want to have a half-assed say in what happens, or absolutely zero say?
You don't go to the polls with the electoral system you want; you go with the one you have
If just a few more people voted in Floridathen the election would have been harder for Bush to steal andthings would be quite different.
If you've got the funding for the missiles needed to bring down the sattlites, I'm listening.
Entire parties withhold their participation from Pakistan to Venezuela, and yet the system lumbers on.
Also, pompomtom, you've made several alusions to the system being "rigged" or "fixed." Please expand and unpack that.
pompomtom: since you're not here in the US, let me point out that armed insurrection here is about as likely as a world-wide rain of canned peaches.
perhaps a few more years of carnage in the ME may radicalise some of the poor slobs doing the dying.
the US is going to be stuck, like now, in the absurd position of wondering whether to punish the administration by handing the reigns over to some of the very same people who enabled that same administration to start that same war.
If memory serves, neither Kucinich nor Obama voted for the war. So, y'know... not really.