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artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
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Comment Feed:


16 December 2007

It is 5am here. It's snowing. I am mildly intoxicated. The BF is sleeping. I am going to play in the snow. There will be snowmen. Lots of small ones. I have a package of cloves in my pocket for eyes and buttons. There will also be pictures. Wish me luck.
I am back. There are six cute snowmen outside, and three others that are not quite finished. I realized when I was outside that my friend borrowed my digital camera!
posted by youngergirl44 16 December | 06:54
This is one I made a week ago. They look like this:

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by youngergirl44 16 December | 07:03
Nice!!! We did finally get some decent rain here last night. More coming next weekend! Yay! Rain sleet or snow, we'll take it. Although snow would be peaceful and pretty to watch. :D
posted by chewatadistance 16 December | 08:34
Happy Nor'Easter - I went out for the morning paper and the ground was like powdered glass. Parts of the street have a good half-inch of solid ice, and the sleet's still showering down.
posted by Smart Dalek 16 December | 09:27
Jealous. We were supposed to get snow today but it's 39 degrees today and just raining like hell. It's been raining for months now.
posted by octothorpe 16 December | 10:08
So much snow here in Toronto. It's been snowing since Friday, and shows no sign of stopping!
posted by typewriter 16 December | 10:44
it's snowing like an endless dust storm outside.
i wish i had an insulated catsuit for The Bees so we could play in the snow. i'm not sure if she gets cold or nervous but she starts shivering. She's never seen snow before and is pretty amazed.
posted by ethylene 16 December | 11:13
Kyoot! It was a glorious day today here in London - sunny, bright and not very cold.

But it is now 4.15pm and almost fully dark.
posted by goo 16 December | 11:18
Raining mad snow here now - it's 11:19am Sunday, and you can see the depth of it by looking at the base of the tree outside - a snow hole that is about a foot deep.

The back spine of the Adirondack chair outside is all that is visible. The garden is deeply buried.

The wind outside howls, and as it's path moves through the boards of this house, I realize that my past is a plodding thing, made noiseless through memory.

*reaches for laudanum*

posted by Lipstick Thespian 16 December | 11:23
Just raining cold rain here. . .boring.
posted by danf 16 December | 11:55
For future reference, next time this mood strikes you should make a horde of these. And then put them all over his car. Or all around the front door and send him out for the paper in the morning.
posted by CKmtl 16 December | 11:57
It is raining now.
The ground looks like white Del's.
posted by CitrusFreak12 16 December | 12:07
Woops. One of the only Rhode Islanders here. Forgot.

posted by CitrusFreak12 16 December | 12:12
Awww... very cute mr. snowman. He needs a tophat!

It's more the iceman cometh here, I fear.
posted by Pips 16 December | 12:43
Alaska got an inch or two last week, and nothing since.
At least the ground is partly white now.
posted by rhapsodie 16 December | 14:19
So jealous. I'm in LA, after five years in Boston, and godDAMN I miss how wonderful winter can be.

(I don't miss digging my car out in the morning, but tromping home through snow and having hot chocolate and lentil soup makes up for it.)
posted by Fuzzbean 16 December | 14:51
On going outside in the snow, and in response to e/j: My second favourite Ad at the moment. And my favourite.
posted by seanyboy 16 December | 16:46
Just cold rain and high wind here, unfortunately. Though on my way out this morning to get the paper and bagels, I noticed someone's gazebo in the middle of the street. It was legs up, like a big, dead bug. I have no idea whose yard it escaped from, but it was gone when I got back.
posted by redvixen 16 December | 19:25
Just woke up with a major anxiety attack || One of the great opening credits montages in movie history.