Today, I got to use a one-liner, that I've had on my mental hard drive for about two decades.
→[More:] I was at the desk at work when two confused looking Frenchmen came up and said "We are looking for Eric Clapton..." I looked him dead in the eye and said "He don't work here."
Also, yesterday at work, I had a twenty-minute intermittently hilarious, borderline incoherent conversation with an elderly woman who turned out to be the half-deaf senile widow of
Hilly Krystal. She said I was a 'great guy' because I went and got her a chair. When her son returned, I said that I had had a lot of goodtimes at his Dad's club and had been at one of the last shows. He said he was bitter because his sister had gotten most of the inheritance, but he thank me anyway. Nice to have a brush with NYC semi-royalty.
Now me and pips are gonna watch the holiday special "Ho Ho Ho" version of