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Basically, neutral, pleasant compliments are nice. Anything that references my weight or suggests that I've done something amazing by not eating for three months pisses me off. You have no idea why or how she's lost weight. You have no idea how she feels about it and the only possible way to pay her a compliment without implying she looked fat before is to simply tell her she looks good. If you don't want to step on Boyfriend's toes, you frame it by referencing what she's wearing.
For some reason, people I haven't seen in a few months will compliment my looks and say "have you lost weight?" even if I haven't. And that's awful. Because either people are lying, or people remember me as a big fat fattie and are amazed that they remembered me wrong, which is hard to deal with.
when I was weight training a lot, I looked the best I have in years, although my weight was up from what it had been before
I'd say wait two or three years to make sure it "takes".
Yes! I despise a compliment that is really an opinion in disguise. "Oh, wow, I like your hair, it looks SO great now that you're growing it out!" That's not a compliment, that's someone who wants to make sure I know that they don't like short hair. Who gives a fuck, keep your opinion to yourself.