I'm Not There (posible spoilers, although this movie is virtually spoiler-proof) Anybody else seen it? If so, what did you think? (Anyone on the fence about seeing it should read the linked article.)
We saw it last night and I'm still digesting it. I'd like to see it again before rendering a final verdict (it's pretty dense and over two hours long), but overall I'd say that I liked it a lot - it doesn't work 100% of the time, but then again what does? Plus, it's nice to see a few chances being taken.
Some of the acting is on the stiff side (Julianne Moore, whoever played the Albert Grossman part), but Cate Blanchet is amazing, as one might expect. And given that Dylan has re-invented himself many times over the years, the use of different actors and different film stocks makes perfect sense.
If you're totally unfamiliar with Dylan, this probably wouldn't be a good place to start. It helps to have some knowledge going in, although you don't need to be an obsessive Dylanphile to get something out of it. Science Girl is a pretty casual fan and she quite enjoyed it; I'm a little higher up the geeky scale, so I think I may have caught some references that she didn't. That said, I'm sure I missed as much as I caught.