Ask Mecha Rats. I have home computer issues and I don't know who can help me. That's my question: who helps poor sad people like me whose computers are misbehaving and what can I expect from them?
I used to have friends who would take care of this kind of stuff for some cookies and whiskey. Alas. Those days are over. I own a Dell which means that they will be no help, particularly not this week, which is a Major American Holiday Week. Basically, all the self-help tools on the computer say that my laptop is happily connected to the little internet box thingamagic that SBC sent me so I can connect to the internet (both the wireless and LAN connection self-diagnose as OK), but Firefox, IE, telnet, iTunes, CivIV &c can't actually exchange any information.
I don't know how to find someone who can fix it. Help!