I give up, I really do. →[More:]
I just spoke to my sister. As you might recall, I had to bail her out financially this summer and cover her bills and car payments for a few months because of her overspending and poor choices in men, coupled with her becoming ill with depression after her (sixth) husband left her. There has never been any hint from her that she is going to reimburse me.
I bought her computer off her, partly because she desperately needed the money, but also because she was totally incapable of using it. She was on the phone to me every time she switched the thing on, because she couldn't understand the basics, such as starting up her web browser.
She had also (with the encouragement of her best friend) got herself embroiled in internet dating within days of her husband's departure, which was a Very Bad Idea and led to her getting in such a mess with men and money over the summer.
Anyway I just got off the phone to her and she told me that she's just spent £800 (which is about $1700 on today's exchange rate) on a
brand new computer, top of the range (far better than this piece of crap PC World Compaq I bought off her for far more than it was worth - okay it was better than my 7-year-old one, but it was not what I'd have chosen as a replacement), 22in monitor, all the fucking bells and whistles. I have no clue where the money came from.
And, of course, she wanted my help with it.
"Sorry, I don't know anything about Vista".
Oh, and she's decided she doesn't need to have any counselling for her depression and emotional problems.
I'm going up north to see her in a couple of weeks, for our 'Christmas' visit, and I'm not looking forward to it. As you might have guessed, I am steaming right now.