AskMecha: Laundromat noob question. Help me get my clothes cleaner! What detergent/additive/bleach should I use?
→[More:]My washer at home doesn't do a great job and over time many of my clothes have become dingy and stained. I'd like to take them all to the laundromat and use those big industrial front loaders and get them really clean.
I'm thinking bleach for the whites and color bleach for the colored stuff. It's mostly cotton and polyester blends. I don't want to get real finicky and pre-treat each stain. I just want to dump them in with the detergent and whatever, and have them come out as nice as possible.
Do you have any tips on good detergents, additives (washing soda, etc), and bleach. Extra points for minimal sorting beyond whites, colors and cotton/poly blends. Do you know any good laundry web sites I should consult? Thank you! You are be my laundry gods!