I'm silly. Let's discuss. →[More:]
So... I've been here in Athens for six months now, and before I even left Thessaloniki, I found a very active expat organization here called "Meet in Athens" that I was excited about participating in. There's no message board, nothing - just an email list that you subscribe to, and people send out suggestions for meetups, like "hey let's watch the rugby at Molly Malone's on Saturday" or "let's eat at this taverna Friday night" or whatever. You respond to the list saying you'll be there, and the original poster makes arrangements for reservations if needed.
So far, I haven't gone to a single meetup. My excuses to myself thus far: too far away; don't care about sports; that restaurant is going to be expensive; too late - don't feel like making my way home alone at 2 or 3 in the morning... blah, blah.
But now someone has proposed a book club, and I responded (along with quite a lot of others) saying I was interested, and I really, really am, though I'm not actually so sure how book-clubby I am... I just pretty much read/savor/immerse, and don't really analyze in ways that are easy to articulate. But that's beside the point. The point is that the initial email was sent yesterday, and now the email for the first meeting, to determine how to proceed, has come, and it's set for tomorrow evening... which is smart on the part of the organizer - strike while the iron is hot and people are enthusiastic, etc.
But I feel kind of shocked, because I responded with this sort of feeling of "hmmm, nice... eventually I'll get an email saying what the first book is, and then in about a month we'll meet... yeah, that's cool." And now I'm trying to rev up to just bite the bullet and answer back that I'll be there... and I can't seem to bring myself to it.
My god, my hermit instincts are going from mildly eccentric to full-blown ossification.