OMG Snake! →[More:]This monster was spotted by one of the kids, slithering its way into our shed (which we are living in while house building). It disappeared in amongst the stacked-up belongings in an area we have set aside for storing all the stuff we aren't currently using, so it had about 5,654
12 places to hide in.
Not knowing what sort of snake it was, but suspecting a brown snake, I decided not to seek it out myself, but to call in the experts. That turned out to be a good decision, as it was an
Eastern Brown Snake, the second most venomous land snake in the world, second only to the Inland Taipan. The
snake catcher said that a single drop of venom is enough to kill 16 healthy adults and that the snake can strike up to 12 times in a two-second period. It was also full of eggs and close to giving birth to 10-40 more of them.