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29 September 2007

NSFW ...even though it's on the Catholic League's website. My question is this: given the subtitle "For Religious and Civil Rights," are these pictures supposed to support the leather-daddy sub-culture?[More:]Or are they intended to horrify us, and thus convince us that we should not support "religious and civil rights"?

I'm so confused now!
It's Miller Time.
posted by jason's_planet 29 September | 13:21
I know some of those guys. heheh
posted by mischief 29 September | 13:23
“Never have we experienced greater corporate arrogance than in this dispute with the Miller Brewing Company."

I think the Catholic League is in for a rude awakening over the next few years. Also, they picked the wrong allies in other religious organizations; they should have gone to the NASCAR Busch series. Although come to think of it, today's NASCAR fans would be more tolerant than many would suppose.

I wonder how many guys in those pictures were raised in catholic homes.
posted by mischief 29 September | 13:32
Looks like someone's got a hidden agenda. "These people are depraved sinners! Look at this picture! And this one! And these!" 43 pics? Two or three would've sufficed to illustrate their point. Showing that many pics means that someone there likeys the leatherboys. heh.
posted by Zack_Replica 29 September | 13:59
"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers leather daddies will moan and writhe in utter ecstasy."
posted by WolfDaddy 29 September | 14:01
Wow, I didn't think I'd be getting my daily pr0n fix from the Catholic League.

Also, if my grandmother hadn't passed away several years ago, this surely would have killed her. Well, if she had a computer.
posted by desjardins 29 September | 14:07
Was that an old guy with pierced nipples in an MF Doom mask, or am I having one of my episodes again?
posted by Lentrohamsanin 29 September | 14:11
I can just picture the dude:
"This so disgusting" *click, click*

"I can't wait for the Catholic league to see this" *click, click*

"Ooh I'd better use a filter here to better capture the glistening muscles on this guy" *click*

"Smile, guys!" *click*

posted by SassHat 29 September | 14:22
In the outside chance you are not disturbed by these photos, please show them to your mother, wife and daughters.

...but not to your sons. Not if you don't want to give 'em ideas.

(Also, that sentence made me laugh out loud for a host of reasons. Also snort, chortle, guffaw, etc.)
posted by elizard 29 September | 14:38
Was that an old guy with pierced nipples in an MF Doom mask, or am I having one of my episodes again?

No, that was definitely the first thing I thought too. In fact, I immediately started singing a Madvillain song.

...but not to your sons. Not if you don't want to give 'em ideas.
posted by spiderskull 29 September | 14:41
I think this image has great artistic merit. "Self Storage", the guy on the pole in the background, etc...

posted by bkudria 29 September | 15:25
Well, the Catholic League will no doubt be delighted that I just fired off an email telling Miller Brewing Company how pleased I am to hear that they sponsor the Folsom Street Fair.

Without the posting on the CL website, I would never have known. If anything, this raised my opinion of MBC.
posted by Elsa 29 September | 15:49
Miller has long been sponsoring gay pride events, at least in Milwaukee & Chicago.
posted by desjardins 29 September | 16:21
fwiw, the Catholic League is a partisan GOP outfit. They have the word "Catholic" in their title there so that they deceive you into thinking that they have some sort of religious affiliation, and so they can squeal "bias" if they don't get their way.

But their board is full of noted theologians like Dinesh D'Souza and Linda Chavez.

And their president is unusually vile even by GOP operative standards.

I didn't know about their staffers with SM fetishes till this post, though. Wide stances for them all, I guess.
posted by ibmcginty 29 September | 18:30
Is it just me, or does that pony play woman seem out of place?

These pictures warm my heart. Not so much that I'll go to the Fair tomorrow instead of surfing, but I do love that it takes place. One of the reasons the bay area is so awesome.
posted by small_ruminant 29 September | 20:55
Where are all the fat, out of shape gay guys?
posted by puke & cry 29 September | 21:24
They don't make the photos. Though I noticed a couple of four-eyed dweebs in their Sunday best. I have such a soft spot for them, because when I try to dress up I also end up a four eyed dweeb.
posted by small_ruminant 30 September | 00:14
s_r, that's why the good lord invented latex and the corset.
posted by elizard 30 September | 07:02
I love that "Catholic Online is hosting this section of Catholic League due to traffic volume."

Gee, I can't imagine why they must be getting so much web traffic...
posted by misskaz 30 September | 10:25
They neglected to post the most catholic photo of all - the advertising for the fair was a riff on the Last Supper.
posted by matildaben 30 September | 12:32
I was in a group that ran afoul with the Catholic League once.

We had a parade entry that featured the "Popemobile" with Pope George Ringo I, along with some bishops, security people and one really cranky nun with a whistle and a yardstick.

My city's Civil Rights committee was convened and we were all taken to the (rhetorical) woodshed. But it was a rather fun experience.
posted by danf 01 October | 10:44
Damn, gay guys have some pecs.
posted by klangklangston 01 October | 17:57
Roll film || Help me not miss the Packer game!